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Sorrentino's Compassion House


Kindness constructed this home. Compassion will welcome our guests.


At Sorrentino's, we genuinely believe in giving back to our communities, who have so generously supported us for the last twenty-five years. Several years ago, we became aware of a significant need here in Edmonton. Women in northern Alberta and the North, who are facing the challenges of breast cancer, must travel to Edmonton to receive diagnosis and treatment. This often means leaving their families, friends and homes for an extended period at a time when they need their support, while also incurring significant personal expenses for accommodation. 

Sorrentino's gift, the largest that the Capital Campaign had ever received, enabled the construction of Sorrentino's Compassion House, which has been providing accommodation and support to those women and their families since September 2003. Not only do those who require accommodation benefit from the home, but so do hundreds of patients and their families from Edmonton who wish to utilize Sorrentino's Compassion House as a resource and support centre. 

Sorrentino's is so proud to support the home that now bears our name. To learn more, visit, or drive by 109 Street and 76 Avenue and see the house that love built.



Sorrentino’s Compassion House Welcome


Welcome to Sorrentino's Compassion House, a haven for women battling cancer in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen!





















Expansion and Renovation of Sorrentino's Compassion House


Sorrentino's Compassion House underwent a major renovation and expansion from Sept. 2012 - Aug. 2013. The house re-opened to women traveling to Edmonton for cancer treatment in Sept. 2013.

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